The Paradox of Expectations

Rebeka Ratry
5 min readJul 6, 2021

Positive expectations are the mark of the superior personality.our expectations determine our reality.

Photo by Nicolle Kreisch from Pexels

Our expectations always impact those around us.

Expectation means a strong belief that something will surely happen or be the case, the act or state of anticipation or looking forward to an event as about to happen. Expectations are extremely influential. An example of expectation is a belief that you will be getting promoted and you should behave as a proper lady or gentleman.

Positive expectations can lead to a more positive life. As we know, positivity is the key of peaceful life. Research has shown that optimists with positive expectations live longer than pessimists. Even if we have positive expectations towards our lifelong, then we have less illness and when we get sick we recover faster.

From where expectations come

Expectations come from two sources:

1. Our growing up years

2. Personal experience

Through our growing up years. We learn attitudes and beliefs about friendships, partnerships and marriage. All this come from-

  • Family and origin ( parents/ siblings/ grandparents/ relatives)
  • Society ( friends, neighbourhood, school or college or university)



Rebeka Ratry

Diligent student of Civil & Environment Engineering who also converse over Mental Health, Social Cognition & Psychology