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What is Karma and How does it Work?
Karma has no menu. You’ll get served what you deserve. Karma is profound teaching, one worthy of our careful attention.
Karma doesn’t spare anyone. Nobody deserves misery but sometimes it’s just your turn. Karma is like a Boomerang, what you will give you will get.
Karma is a mirror, and will reflect back. If you focus on hurt, you’ll continue to suffer. If you focus on lessons, you’ll continue to grow.
Karma is like a rubber-band, it can only expanse and when it comes back, it smacks in the face.
What is Karma
Karma has become a controversial subject.
The word Karma has two meanings, depending on thesis. Primarily, it means intentional actions in thought, word and deed; secondarily, it refers to the result of intentional actions, past or present- results that are formed by the skill of the intention behind those actions.Karma is based on our actions and thoughts in every single moment.
Karma is the energy we create from our actions & thoughts. It’s a dynamic force. It also means the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.
Karma is a term about the cycle of cause and then effect. It has a strong core of ‘cause-and-effect’, it’s more that our actions and thoughts will effect how…